An atypical artistic approach
As it was stated in the opening sentence, Sam Dougados is a completely self-taught artist. Initially, when he was still a teenager, he started to channel his emotions by writing poems. Soon, young Sam started to explore the possibilities of painting, sculpture and installation art. These creative outputs were a mere hobby for the majority of Sam’s young life. However, this all changed in the year of 2008 when he lost his job and went through a breakup, enduring what can now be perceived as a strong wake-up call. From that point on, Sam decided he needed to pursue what made him feel fulfilled and there was nothing that made him happier than creating art. After a few years of experimenting with different techniques and norms, he decided that the aforementioned beach art might be the perfect solution to all his artistic needs. Dougados finds inspiration within many fields, including all of the contemporary art, street expression and land art – however, Mother Nature is what influences Sam’s creative decisions the most as he allows the landscape to dictate what he depicts. Logically, he was always attracted to the artworks with strong ephemeral notes as well.

The Fleeting Beauty of His Beach Art
Sam’s focal point is his beach art and the photos that come to life after he completes a seaside piece. Sam prefers to improvise a bit during the process of making his pieces, a feature that is somewhat due to the very changing canvas upon which he creates. His work is characterized by geometry and poetry that makes us stop and reflect on the magic of the moment, our relationship with nature and the very essence of our beings.
Photographing the finished examples of beach art is a huge part of what Sam Dougados does – by using different aspects of photography, the artist gives a specific atmosphere to the work, a more poetical and personal reading to the piece. His work has evolved quite a bit over the years, almost as if it was developing alongside its author who was maturing as a person and getting better as a visual artist. His ultimate goal has become rather simple, yet quite noble and pure: Open your eyes to your surrounding, be aware of its natural beauty, its fragility and so be aware of yourself.
by Nina K
- Solo show at the 1 star restaurant Briketenia, Guéthary
- Cover and itw for Artmajeur magazine
- Portrait for TV7
- Portrait for Faut Pas Rêver tv programme
- Contrat d’exposition avec la galerie 1809 à Marseille et Artkhein Gallery
- Exposition en grands formats à l’aéroport de Biarritz pendant un an
- Asteroidea live show with the choregrapher Martin Harriague and the Malandain ballet Biarritz dancers and Surfrider Côte Basque
- Solo show Thalasso Serge Blanco, Hendaye
- Solo show at the Bernard Magrez cultural institut, Bordeaux
- Collective show and performance on the Samanah golf, My Art Gallery, Marrakech
- 10 years of beach art around the world
- Festival Traezh Breizh (sand festival), performance and exhibition
- Solo exhibition, hôtel Silhouette, Biarritz
- Paris Artistes#4
- Festival les Océanes, ( beach art clinics and performance) Essaouira, Maroc
- Wheels and Waves, exhibition, Pasaia, Spain
- Solo show, Gli Elementi, palazo Vanvitelliano, Salerno, Italy
- Live beach art for Battle of the bay, Pure Magic 10th birthday, Dublin, Ireland
- Solo show, L’artnoa, Biarritz, France
- Fort Mahon beach art festival, jury and live drawing
- Paris Artists, collective show
- Art3F art fair, Montpellier, France
- A photos serie and a video acquired by the Bernard Magrez cultural Institut, exhibited from the 14th of may to the 15th of june in parallèl of Jonone show
- Performance at the Promenade Festival, Tramore, Irland
- Solo show at Space 130, Paris and screening of Les routes des éphémère during the COP 21
- Aquatic installation of the piece Nenuph’art on a Biarritz lake for the heritage days
- Venus Projet with Spacejunk art centre (action for breast cancer help)
- Live beach art performance for Promenade Festival, Tramore, Irland
- Chimera Nissan Custom Car: creating a chimere car of the brand for a new Nissan garage opening in Anglet
- Monumentals sculptures exhibition, Les entrepreneurs mécènes, Chateaubourg
- O’Neill Tour (surf, graffiti and beach art) from Biarritz to Brest
- photos exhibition, Sofitel Miramar (5*) Biarritz
- L’Arbre du Savoir, public sculptur ordered by Biarritz
- photos exhibition at international surf film festival
- Sculpt’ En Sologne, land art and environnemental art symposium, summer
- art environnemental biennal of Nantua, july
- Anty Grey Zone exhibition in Cultur Inside gallery, Luxemburg
- performance and jury for the first beach art festival in Bermudas
- international sea photo festival of Vannes (french Britanny)
- The Green line, duo show and installations with Xavier Ride in Biarritz
- sculpture, The Tree of Knowlede for Biarritz town
- sculpture The Tunnel for the first sculptural trail of Hasparren
- collective show at Touquet festival
- solo exhibition at Providence gallery, Guethary, septembre
- solo exhibition at Flaq gallery, Barcelona, october
- outside installations and beach art photos exhibition at the Winery (Médoc)
- collective exhibition “ Easy Painters” in the Atalante with Spacejunk
- duo exhibition with Yohan Colin, gallery Flaq, Paris
- photo exhibition in Uzerche for a photgraphy festival
- solo exhibition in the gallery En El Estudio in San Sébastian
- invited ad winner of the first world beach art championship in Jersey
- jury on the performances festival “Rencontres Improbables 5”2010
- Contemporary Photography Fair “Révélation 4”, Paris
- award of the internationnal exhibition “discover each other threw water” organized by Ixelles (Belgium)
- festival foreshore Trebeurden (beach art performance and exhibition)
- Installations of environmental artworks commissioned by the Biarritz city for Heritage Days in Biarritz
- “art industriel” performance for the Rencontres Improbables 5 festival
- laureate of Contemporary Art call Berinak/the in St Pée sur Nivelle
- solo exhibition « Between the lines » gallery Détails (Biarritz)
- performance (sculpture battle) for the festival Rencontres Improbables #4
- collective exhibition for Surfrider Foundation (Biarritz casino)
2007 to 2009
- collective exhibition « Fight », « Town », « Poker » and « Ecology » in art centers Spacejunk (Grenoble, Bourg St Maurice et Bayonne- France)
- exhibition and sculpture performance with the art center Spacejunk in Bayonne
- exhibition and sculpture performance for the Heritage Days in Bayonne
2003 à 2006
- Young Talent Award from the city of Bayonne